Compiling Apache 2.2.9

rm -r ~/compile/httpd-2.2.9-unpacked cd ~/compile && mkdir httpd-2.2.9-unpacked tar xvzf httpd-2.2.9.tar.gz -C ./httpd-2.2.9-unpacked cd ~/compile/httpd-2.2.9-unpacked/httpd-2.2.9 find . -type f \( -exec sed -i s/”\/usr\/bin\/bash”/”\/ffp\/bin\/bash”/ {} \; , -exec sed -i s/”\/usr\/bin\/sh”/”\/ffp\/bin\/sh”/ {} \; , -exec sed -i s/”\/usr\/bin\/env”/”\/ffp\/bin\/env”/ {} \; […]

Compiling uClibc toolchain

#The test suite will be installed into /root/uClibc directory. To run # x the test suite enter the /root/uClibc/test directory and type # x “make UCLIBC_ONLY=1 CC=/bin/true check”. # x See the /root/uClibc/test/README for additional information. export CFLAGS=”-march=armv5te -mtune=xscale -mfloat-abi=soft […]

Build, install & configure mod_spdy chrome://net-internals/#spdy #See for building environment, script and other things not defined here. #Before starting do declare the environment variables specified to the link above. #When depot_tools is already updated than run once: cd /ffp/home/root/compile/depot_tools ~/ ffpg […]

Integrate apache 2.2 with zyxel firmware apache modules

WSGIPythonHome /usr -> existing line LoadModule actions_module /ffp/opt/apache-2.2.9/modules/ LoadModule alias_module /ffp/opt/apache-2.2.9/modules/ LoadModule asis_module /ffp/opt/apache-2.2.9/modules/ LoadModule authn_default_module /ffp/opt/apache-2.2.9/modules/ LoadModule authn_file_module /ffp/opt/apache-2.2.9/modules/ LoadModule authz_default_module /ffp/opt/apache-2.2.9/modules/ LoadModule authz_groupfile_module /ffp/opt/apache-2.2.9/modules/ LoadModule authz_host_module /ffp/opt/apache-2.2.9/modules/ LoadModule authz_user_module /ffp/opt/apache-2.2.9/modules/ LoadModule auth_basic_module /ffp/opt/apache-2.2.9/modules/ LoadModule autoindex_module /ffp/opt/apache-2.2.9/modules/ LoadModule cgi_module […]

Install & configure Owncloud

cd /i-data/60cb70cf/www/pages #mv /i-data/md0/www/pages/owncloud to /i-data/md0/www/pages/owncloud{vezi versiunea in version.php} #rm -r /i-data/md0/www/pages/owncloud wget tar xjf owncloud-7.0.2.tar.bz2 -> creaza folderul owncloud (atentie la vechiul owncloud) mysql -p CREATE DATABASE owncloud702 CHARACTER SET utf8; GRANT ALL ON owncloud702.* TO ‘owncloud702’@’%’ IDENTIFIED […]

Install & configure google’s mod_pagespeed for apache

#See for building environment, script and other things not defined here. #Before starting do declare the environment variables specified to the link above. #mod_pagespeed (see depot_tools and below) rm -r ~/compile/mod_pagespeed mkdir ~/compile/mod_pagespeed cd ~/compile/mod_pagespeed #export PATH=/ffp/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/ffp/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/ffp/opt/ejre1.7.0_60/bin:/ffp/home/root/compile/depot_tools/ […]

How To Decompress Linux Archive Files

# extract archive: unrar e rar-archive.rar unzip unzip -uo -d ghost -> extract to ghost tar xvzf mkvtoolnix-6.5.0-arm-1.tgz tar xvzf mkvtoolnix-6.5.0-arm-1.tar.gz tar xvzf ffp_0.7_arm_003.zpkg tar xvfp wget-1.16.tar.xz tar xvfJ archive.txz tar jxf libebml-1.3.0.tar.bz2 gzip -cd aria2c.1.gz > […]

Compiling findutils

#See for building environment, script and other things not defined here. #Before starting do declare the environment variables specified to the link above. #requires: pth-2.0.7-arm-1.txz, libiconv-1.14-arm-1.txz, texinfo-5.2-arm-1.txz cd ~/compile rm -r ~/compile/findutils #rel-4-4-fixes branch (stable) #git clone -q […]

Install & configure MediaWiki

Modify /usr/local/zy-pkgs/gui/mediawiki/includes/installer: search: protected static function getPossibleBinPaths() { patch: return array(‘/ffp/sbin’, ‘/ffp/bin’, ‘/ffp/opt/ejre1.7.0_60/bin’); Preinstalation: # mediawiki source files modifications cd /usr/local/zy-pkgs/gui/mediawiki find . -type f \( -name “*.py” -o -name “*.sh” -o -name “*.php” -o -name “*.pl” \) -exec sed […]