Installing ghost on linux (official) Compiling nodejs
cd /ffp/opt/ rm -r ghost #rm #curl -L -k -o unzip -uo -d ghost cd /ffp/opt/ghost find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/usr\/bin\/bash"/"\/ffp\/bin\/bash"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/usr\/bin\/sh"/"\/ffp\/bin\/sh"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/usr\/bin\/env"/"\/ffp\/bin\/env"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/bin\/bash"/"\/ffp\/bin\/bash"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/bin\/sh"/"\/ffp\/bin\/sh"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/bin\/env"/"\/ffp\/bin\/env"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/ffp\/ffp\/"/"\/ffp\/"/ {} \; #cp -r /ffp/opt/ghost ~/temp/ghost /ffp/opt/nodejs/bin/npm install --production #ERROR1: sh: /usr/local/zy-pkgs/ffproot/ffp/opt/ghost/node_modules/sqlite3/node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp: /usr/bin/env: bad interpreter: No such file or directory #SOLUTION1: #See something like in error message. cd ~/temp wget mkdir sqlite3-2.2.7 cd sqlite3-2.2.7 cp ../sqlite3-2.2.7.tgz . tar xvzf ./sqlite3-2.2.7.tgz rm sqlite3-2.2.7.tgz find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/usr\/bin\/bash"/"\/ffp\/bin\/bash"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/usr\/bin\/sh"/"\/ffp\/bin\/sh"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/usr\/bin\/env"/"\/ffp\/bin\/env"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/bin\/bash"/"\/ffp\/bin\/bash"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/bin\/sh"/"\/ffp\/bin\/sh"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/bin\/env"/"\/ffp\/bin\/env"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/ffp\/ffp\/"/"\/ffp\/"/ {} \; tar czf sqlite3-2.2.7.tgz package npm install sqlite3-2.2.7.tgz cd /ffp/opt/ghost /ffp/opt/nodejs/bin/npm install --production npm install forever -g npm install mysql -g cd /ffp/opt/nodejs/lib/node_modules find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/usr\/bin\/bash"/"\/ffp\/bin\/bash"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/usr\/bin\/sh"/"\/ffp\/bin\/sh"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/usr\/bin\/env"/"\/ffp\/bin\/env"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/bin\/bash"/"\/ffp\/bin\/bash"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/bin\/sh"/"\/ffp\/bin\/sh"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/bin\/env"/"\/ffp\/bin\/env"/ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i s/"\/ffp\/ffp\/"/"\/ffp\/"/ {} \; #Create mysql DB for ghost mysql -p CREATE DATABASE ghost CHARACTER SET utf8; GRANT ALL ON ghost.* TO 'ghost'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'ghost' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit sed -i s#\"\/shared\/img#\"\/blog\/shared\/img# /ffp/opt/ghost/core/built/scripts/ghost-dev.js sed -i s#\"\/shared\/img#\"\/blog\/shared\/img# /ffp/opt/ghost/core/built/scripts/templates-dev.js sed -i s#\"\/shared\/img#\"\/blog\/shared\/img# /ffp/opt/ghost/core/built/scripts/ghost.min.js #/ffp/opt/ghost/config.js url: '', database: { client: 'mysql', connection: { host: 'localhost', user: 'ghost', password: 'ghost', database: 'ghost', charset: 'utf8' } }, #Apache config: # ProxyPass /blog/ # ProxyPassReverse /blog/ #Running ghost in production mode: cd /ffp/opt/ghost NODE_ENV=production npm start #Running ghost in development mode: cd /ffp/opt/ghost npm start #Running ghost in production mode (first put export NODE_ENV=production in ~/.profile): cd /ffp/opt/ghost /bin/nice --8 npm start #Running ghost in production mode (first put export NODE_ENV=production in ~/.profile): cd /ffp/opt/ghost && /bin/nice --8 forever -o /ffp/var/log/ghost.log start index.js #cd /ffp/opt/ghost && forever stop index.js