Lambda expressions with many lines

Recently, I was writing a test method similar to this:

 * SOME_FEATURE is a constant that identifies a feature the application provides if enabled
void transferMoneyTest() {
    withEnabledFeature(SOME_FEATURE, () -> {
        // line one of the test method
        // line two of the test method
        // line three of the test method
        // line four of the test method
        // line five of the test method
        // line six of the test method
        // line seven of the test method

One of my colleagues pointed out that it is a best practice to place lambda code in a distinct method when its size exceeds a certain threshold (e.g., 2 or 3 lines). Hmm, I thought to myself, he is right, but there are exceptions – and this is one of them.

But why is that an exception? Well, let’s see other similar examples:

 * "transactional" method provides the ACID transaction context for the lambda 
 * execution (is the equivalent of e.g., @Transactional from Spring Framework)
public void transferMoney() {
    transactional(() -> {
        // line one of the method's implementation
        // line two of the method's implementation
        // line three of the method's implementation
        // line four of the method's implementation
        // line five of the method's implementation
        // line six of the method's implementation
        // line seven of the method's implementation

 * "preAuthorize" method provides the security context for the lambda 
 * execution (is the equivalent of e.g., @PreAuthorize from Spring Security)
public void transferMoney() {
    preAuthorize("hasAuthority('permission:write')", () -> {
        // line one of the method's implementation
        // line two of the method's implementation
        // line three of the method's implementation
        // line four of the method's implementation
        // line five of the method's implementation
        // line six of the method's implementation
        // line seven of the method's implementation

 * Let's suppose it doesn't make sense to use *synchronized* at the method level.
public void transferMoney() {
    synchronized (merchant) {
        // line one of the method's implementation
        // line two of the method's implementation
        // line three of the method's implementation
        // line four of the method's implementation
        // line five of the method's implementation
        // line six of the method's implementation
        // line seven of the method's implementation

All the above examples show some code blocks executed in a particular context.
Would the code be more readable if one took the below approach instead of a lambda expression?

public void transferMoney() {
// ...
// a
// bunch
// of 
// other 
// public, 
// protected, 
// and 
// private 
// methods 
// go 
// here
// (i.e., there's a big distance between transferMoney and doTransferMoney)
// ...
private void doTransferMoney() {
    // line one of the method's implementation
    // line two of the method's implementation
    // line three of the method's implementation
    // line four of the method's implementation
    // line five of the method's implementation
    // line six of the method's implementation
    // line seven of the method's implementation

Well, the transferMoney is much shorter and hence easier to read; the problem though is with what is left to read:
the user reads a method meaning “transfer money” (i.e., transferMoney) which does “transfer money” (i.e., doTransferMoney) in a transactional fashion (well, at least he learns something about the execution context).

This is silly; in the above situations, I would rather keep the doTransferMoney content in transferMoney method because it’s easy to spot the distinction between the execution context and the behaviour implementation; moving the behaviour in another method brings no benefit.

This does not invalidate the rule of thumb that a lambda expression larger than 2-3 lines is best to be moved to a distinct method. In most situations, the behaviour is mixed with the lambda expressions hence the reader has to collapse the lambda expression to see the rest (i.e., the behaviour). It’s not the same for transferMoneyTest and the similar examples above, because collapsing the lambda expression means hiding the behaviour the user intends to view.