#you can't apply/stop one hook; you start/stop all of them with: /ffp/start/zyxel_utils.sh start/stop #you enable/disable hook by uncommenting/commenting entries in /ffp/start/zyxel_utils.sh #e.g. enable nfs hooking: #uncomment hook_nfs entry in /ffp/start/zyxel_utils.sh #see zyxel_utils.sh log cat /tmp/intercept.log #see active zyxel_utils.sh hooks cat /tmp/.ffpstick/zyxelutils #/etc/exports (link to /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/exports or /ffp/etc/exports) content: /i-data/60cb70cf,sync,no_subtree_check,wdelay,no_root_squash) #hdd1 #mount NFS share to windows 7 (next drive letter available): mount * #mount NFS share to windows 7 the Z drive: mount z: #unmount NFS share (–a Unmounts all NFS network drives): umount z: #manually start/stop NFS /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/init.d/NFS start /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/init.d/NFS stop